Zakka Style :: Patchwork Potholders

This post is part of the Zakka Style Sew Along, please visit here to catch up if you’re just joining us!


Welcome to week 13 of the Zakka Style sew along!

I’m filling in for Penny today as we take a peek at the Patchwork Potholder project in the book.

I have said this about every thing I’ve made from this book, but I LOVE this project!

Retro Mama designed the potholders and they are a functional and fun project to make.

I love when you make something and when you’re done you think, wow I did that!    That’s how I felt about binding the circle.

I wasn’t so sure how that would work out, but it was kind of magical.

Kim did update the instructions for applying the binding on her blog.   You can view that here.

She added a step by step tutorial with pictures, so you may find that more helpful if you’ve never bound anything before.

I followed the instructions on her blog versus the book and they are very well written and easy to follow along.

I always love choosing fabrics for a project.

I had a retro kitchen print from Michael Miller and it seemed just perfect for a set of potholders!

I used Essex yarn dyed linen in flax as my neutral.   I can’t say enough good things about the Essex linen.

I always have slippage problems when I sew with 100% linen and using the cotton/linen blend makes things much more stable and less frustrating!

I know you’re going to have fun with this project, I can’t wait to see what you make!

The link up is open and this week’s prize is a $25 gift certificate to Sew Mama Sew.

Get sewing and be sure to ask questions in the flickr group if you have any problems!

xx Lindsey

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