Toaster Cozy

I did a little altering to this week’s project for Patchwork Please, the Tea Cozy.

I love tea but I don’t own a teapot.  I boil water the boring way.

I do have a toaster though so I decided to make my toaster a happy home.

I love how it turned out!

TEA easily rearranged to EAT and I added a little toast applique in place of the teacup.

I tried to paper piece the toast but that was a disaster.   There were a gazillion pieces to make the curved portion of the toast and they measured like 1/8″.

Paper pieced toast or sanity??


I added in about 4″ to the width of the front and back pieces and boxed in the corners to make a cozy fit.

I used the same template for rounding the pieces that’s in the book but just added my width to the center.

With the curved top and the boxed corners, it looks a lot like a little house!

The inside could be a lot prettier but I was on a roll and not thinking ahead.  I should have finished my seam before boxing the corners.

I figure no one will see it, so I’m not worried about it.


I’ve loved seeing what everyone has linked up so far.    When using a craft book I think it’s important to keep an open mind so that you can allow yourself to be creative.

If the project doesn’t work exactly as is, do some tinkering and make it work for you!

I created a PDF of the toast applique in case anyone wanted to use it.    I used the same technique we used last week in making the applique dishtowels.

Toast Applique

xo, Lindsey




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  • Cathlene

    Great project. I like my tea pot and my toaster and love new inspiration.ReplyCancel

  • It’s great Lindsey! I don’t use a teapot either, though I do own one it just sits in the cupboard all the time because I’m a coffee drinker. Loving the pompom border!ReplyCancel

  • jane

    Lindsey – that is terrific!! You know, I do have lots of teapots because I like them – but I don’t use anyone of them. I love making tea cosies – I have two cupcake ones and I plan to make this one. Funny, aren’t we!! I use my hot water dispenser. I love house themes.ReplyCancel

  • Maeve

    I love these projects and so I downloaded the eBook from Books-a-Million. A warning to all sewists: While the download is beautiful, it is NOT printable, not even one pattern or one page. So, if you are wanting the patterns or templates, you need to purchase the regular book itself in order to copy anything. Ayumi herself wasn’t even aware of this when I contacted her and she graciously responded to my emails. (She is soooo nice!) So, BUY THE BOOK, not the eBook.ReplyCancel

  • This is a really sweet adaptation. Love it!ReplyCancel

  • That is so adorable!!! What a creative idea 🙂 Never would have thought of that!


  • Totally clever! It turned out really really cute!ReplyCancel

  • Vera

    That is super cute!ReplyCancel

  • Vonda

    I purchased the digital book from Interweave and am able to print out whatever I want including multiple copies of the patterns etc.ReplyCancel

  • Flying Blind

    You are one step away from a Toilet Roll cover!!!ReplyCancel

  • Oh, Lindsey, how sweet and cheerful it is! I’m still working on mine.ReplyCancel

  • what a great idea. I don’t drink tea so didn’t bother this week – now I shall have to think what I could make a cosy for!ReplyCancel

  • Cindy

    Nice job Lindsey!ReplyCancel

  • You were so smart to turn “tea” into “eat!” And I think your applique is adorable, especially with those butter pats. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Florence

    Great idea !! and nice job !!ReplyCancel

  • I love this great idea! It looks fantastic too!ReplyCancel

  • This is a brilliant idea! I’d like to hide the toaster!ReplyCancel

  • Cath T

    Slapping forehead. It occurred to me that my Mother’s toaster coffee is probably 100 years old, well, not really, but it looks pretty ratty. It passed through my head she needs a new one. This is so cute! I need to do this for Mom. The toast and butter is charming.ReplyCancel

  • […] Please quilt along. She adapted it to her own tastes, bread and butter! She talks about the project here, and even provides a toast applique pattern you can use to make your own Eat Toast […]ReplyCancel

  • Thanks Blog Mama, I was going to skip this one, but I have a ugly toaster..ReplyCancel

  • Shermaine

    Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thaukfnl for your help.ReplyCancel

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