Circle Quilt update

Finally, yay!

I’m embarrassed that the journey to this tutorial started over 3 months ago, but sometimes things are beyond your control.

The date is set now, so Oct 1st, be on the look out for a ‘recipe’. 😉

Here’s a sneak peek:

And on a sappy note… thank you all so much for the nice comments on my Sewing Machine quilt and my Kona Challenge quilt.   They really mean a lot.

xo Lindsey

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  • KellyS

    Oh oh oh! I completely love this! I am looking forward to the tutorial!ReplyCancel

  • Oh this looks interesting!! Like I have nothing else on my plate BUT…ReplyCancel

    • I feel you on that! But isn’t that the life of a quilter? LOL. I promise it’s easy peasy. 🙂


  • Suzanne

    I recently saw a picture of your circle quilt on Flickr and had to check out your blog. I can’t wait to see the recipe – thanks for sharing it.ReplyCancel

  • Wowzers! It is gorgeous! Can’t wait to see the tutorial!ReplyCancel

  • Beautiful quilt. I love the white with splashes of color. Very nice! Can’t wait for the tute!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer @ Ellison Lane Quilts

    Yea for you! So happy and can’t wait to see it. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • wow,just arrived from fiberofallsorts blog .This quilt is absolutely gorgeous,I love.I`m looking forward to the tutorial,please.ThanksReplyCancel

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