Quilt in progress

The Dream Circle of do. good stitches started up in November.   I’m hosting, so the first month I was in charge of designing and quilting our 2 quilts.

My idea was to do a quilt like this.

Each of the ladies made gorgeous blocks!I messed up though.

I should have assigned a few people to make single squares, blocks with 2, blocks with 3 etc.     Instead I just said, do what you want!

So, I got lots of single squares and not very many multiples and the sizes are too large for a baby quilt to get the look I was going for.    Lesson learned, in a bee like this, specifics are important!

I needed to come up with a new plan since I have blocks for a boy quilt and a girl quilt.    I brainstormed for awhile,  folded the fabrics and arranged them different ways and this is what I came up with.

Crossing my fingers the ladies are okay with the fact that I reconfigured their blocks.  eek!

We are making quilts to benefit Project Night Night.  They are a wonderful organization who provide little bags with a quilt, book and stuffed toy for homeless children.

I hope that the quilts can be a source of security and comfort for these kids.  Something that can stay with them no matter where they are.   I know how much my kids love the blankies they sleep with at night.

I had a few small pieces left over and decided I wanted to piece the word ‘dream’ into the quilt somewhere.

I’m excited to finish this and the boys quilt and get them delivered!

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  • Surprising and wonderful!
    I’m just starting my first flickr bee, and I’ve wondered how people feel about their blocks being reconfigured. Please let us know how the bee responds.ReplyCancel

  • amorette

    it looks really amazing, and unexpected. i should hope they will like it, because it is beautiful and fun!ReplyCancel

  • What a great ideas – love the dream!ReplyCancel

  • That is a super cool design! I love how you chopped up and rearranged the blocks! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • i love the dream! so much!ReplyCancel

  • LOVE what you came up with!! Your so talented! you know… ehemm, i know 2 boys whose mama would swoon if they had a special “lindsey rhodes quilt!”… just sayin’ 😉ReplyCancel

  • […] November was my month to design, piece and quilt.    You can read a little more about my troubles with these quilts here. […]ReplyCancel

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