Back to School

First off, I should have shared a picture of the back cover to Zakka Style.   There are more lovely pictures of what’s inside!

I personally can.not.wait. to make the leaf bag at the top.   Love it!

Several of you are new to Zakka too, so I thought I’d share what I know about it.

Zakka means “many things” in Japanese and refers to the everyday things in your home.   Towels, bags, slippers, baskets, potholders, etc.

The concept is taking the everyday functional items and making them special.   Most of what I’m familiar with takes linen (or a neutral fabric) and kicks it up a notch, though never overly done.      Keeping it simple with just a pop of color, an applique or some handstitching.

Duff had a brilliant idea to do a sew-along using this book.   I am definitely going to sew through it myself and maybe you want to join me?    Most of the projects are simple enough that we could tackle one a week, but could always give extra time for those that require a bit more work.      I figure we could meet back each week and link up our projects so that we can share and encourage each other!

The only catch is that you would need your own book.   I wouldn’t be sharing instructions.  What do you think, would anyone be interested?

No worries if you’re not!   I know I’m more motivated when I have others to share the journey and maybe you are too!  I will also need to check with Rashida to make sure it would be okay with her.   I just wanted to gauge interest.

So, on the school note,  Rachel’s Curves Class started on Monday.

The 1st project this week was a scalloped bunting.   It adds a little fun to my sewing room!    I am most looking forward to improv curves.     I’m excited about adding that technique to my quilting!

I also started an Upholstery Class with my friend Nicole last week.   Today was my second class and my arms are so sore!   Stripping the chairs down is a heck of a lotta work!   I have never seen so many staples in my life.

I should have taken a before picture (imagine 1970s harvest gold velvet damask fabric!), but here is my chair in her naked glory.   There are 2 of them.

My teacher was not very happy when I informed her that I would be painting the chairs aqua.   I am planning to piece a quilt top to reupholster the chairs with and I want them to be funky and fun.    I have a feeling she will be giving me a hard time about ruining the wood each class!

I actually need to go work on sanding, so I will see you here tomorrow for Day 4 of the birthday celebration!


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  • lynn

    i’d join along in a sew along for this book=most definitely!ReplyCancel

  • Charity Reesor

    Omgosh! I can’t wait to see how your chairs turn out!!!!! And I must say, anything is better in aqua <3ReplyCancel

  • I’d join a sew along, and I love aqua!ReplyCancel

  • Zakka sew-a-long sounds like a great idea – how could Rashida not love it? I’m taking the curves class too – just put my bunting photo up, too funny! And finally that upholstery class sounds great, more info please and definitely an after of your chairs 🙂ReplyCancel

  • The book is inexpensive ($10.85) and I linked through i♥ linen so Rashida would get the credit for it. My schedule is busy but I’ll certainly try if you start a ‘zakkalong’ !ReplyCancel

  • Birthday Week: Day 4 | LRstitched :: a journal of stitches

    […] to content HomeAbout Me.Featured.Life’s To-do.Shop.Sponsor.Tutorials. ← Back to School February 9, 2012 · 12:00 am ↓ Jump to […]ReplyCancel

  • Beth T.

    This is a great idea! My impulse is to wave my hand and say I’ll join in, but since I’m dedicated to finishing some of the many, many works-in-progress I have going on right now, I think it’s more likely I’ll just follow along and enjoy hearing about your projects.ReplyCancel

  • Marshall

    I’d be interested in a sew along if I could get my hands on the book. I giggled at your teacher being mad at you – I never understood painting wood and always thought it looked worse. Recently, I’ve changed my mind about doing it for pops of color on select items. I can’t wait to see what your chairs look like when they’re done!ReplyCancel

  • Too funny about that teacher getting a little crazy about your color choices. But in the end, it’s not her decision! Go for it.ReplyCancel

  • High five on starting an upholstery project! People often think its a sewing job, but it’s all about a staple gun. When I reuphosltered my sofa I spent days pulling out thousands of staples. My hands were so cramped!ReplyCancel

  • Julie

    zakka-along! sounds like a lot of fun. i would like to join in. And if you want aqua chairs, i say go for it!, i love the idea.ReplyCancel

  • Honey, you do those chairs the way they suit you! They’re going to be in your house, not hers! A friend of mine just redid two chairs that belonged to her husband’s mother (the old kind with the side tables attached; I’m blanking on what they’re called!) by painting them lime green and replacing the fabric cushion with a black and white print. Gorgeous! I’m totally jealous they’re not in my house!ReplyCancel

  • I have reupholstered before and my hands were covered in blisters! It is quite a job… but they will be so fabulous when you get finished!ReplyCancel

  • I stripped upholstery off my husband’s grandmother’s rocker and re did it a few years ago. I agree that striiping them down to their guts is tough work! I would have loved to recover it in a quilted funky style like you plan to, but he wanted it returned to the way he remembered it in his Grandma’s home. here’s my before and after:

  • Can´t wait to see how your chair turn.

    Zakka sew along I`d like but I can´t.It`s the first time I hear about that book and don´t know if I can get it.Happy sewing along!ReplyCancel

  • I love the idea of a zakka-along! But I am super busy so I’m not sure I’d be able to participate.

    And the chair sounds awesome!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer F.

    Lol, I’d probably give you a hard time too about the paint 🙂 But, as PP said, it is your choice. Can’t wait to see the finished product!ReplyCancel

  • annabelle

    totally off topic…..what is the background fabric in most of the projects shown on the book and do you know where I can find it? I found a unfinished piece of hexies (vintage, mixed colors) I want to pair it with that fabric and bind it with black. I think it will be perfect to showcase the vintage piece. I don’t think its just a solid because its seems to have more texture, I just don’t know what it is called. Thank you for your help.ReplyCancel

  • I collect nativity sets from around the world and I have a small tea cup collection. The fabric is lovely, thank you for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Ooh… I love aqua! Our nursery walls are aqua and it’s my favorite room in the house! I can’t wait to see how the chair turns out..ReplyCancel

  • stitchnprint

    I am new to blogging and I’ve never done a sew along, but I’d love to join this one!ReplyCancel

  • […] in February, I talked about wanting to do a sew along  with Rashida’s book Zakka Style and I’m excited to […]ReplyCancel

  • […] Mrs. Lindsey’s blog: LR Stitched for a while now. . and when she talked about doing a sew along in February for the book, I just couldn’t let that idea go. I mean, I was grocery shopping and thinking, […]ReplyCancel

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