Zakka Along Week 1 :: Zig Zag Tote

Are you ready to sew along??

I hope so because  it’s time to kick off the 1st week of the Zakka Style Sew Along!

I’ve got a bit more information to share regarding our weekly link up and the fun prizes we have in store.

Let’s get that out of the way and then it’s time to head over to Sew Fantastic to see Terri’s Zig Zag Tote!

During the Sew Along we will have 24 wonderful prizes that you are eligible to win if you complete that weeks project.

Starting today and every Monday following, I will add a link up for that weeks project.    You will have from Monday through the following Sunday at 11:59 pm EST to complete and add your project.

You don’t have to have a blog, but you will need a photo hosting  (flickr, photobucket, etc) account to be able to link your project.

I will announce the winner on the next Monday post and will add the link up and prize info for the next week.   So on and so on through the 24 weeks.

You may begin linking up your finished Zig Zag Totes today through Sunday April 8th at 11:59 pm EST for a chance to win a Fat Quarter Bundle of Washi by Rashida Coleman-Hale!

This weeks prize is sponsored by Timeless Treasures.

You are only eligible to win the weekly prizes if you submit during the time frames.   BUT, remember that you can link up at ANY time if you can’t keep up with the schedule.   We would all love to see your finished project whenever you’re able to complete it!

As a bonus, after the first 6 projects I will do a random drawing from ALL entries submitted for Projects 1-6, so if  you missed the deadline you still have a chance for a prize.  🙂   I will do that for Projects 7-12, 13-18 and 19-24.

Phew, I know that was a total overload of information, so I hope I haven’t completely confused you!  Please email me or comment with any questions you have.


Okay, let’s go visit Terri and see her take on the Zig Zag Tote.   I’m off to get started on mine!

To link up your project, click on the frog below and follow the instructions.

Happy Sewing, Lindsey

P.S.  I added a Zakka Sew Along page where you can easily find all posts about the sew along.

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  • Jeannie

    I love every project in this book, it should be a fun run 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Gina

    Sounds wonderful. Thank you for organizing it all . Hope I can figure out how to link photos from Flickr when the time comes.ReplyCancel

  • Woot Woot! so fun thanks for the intro 🙂ReplyCancel

  • I am so excited about this and inspired… Yippie! Can not wait to spend the next 24 weeks in my craft room!ReplyCancel

  • heartsease57

    Waiting for my book to arrive! Should be here tomorrow or Wed. I can always use another tote.ReplyCancel

  • Hi , my name is Deepa and i m from India. Even i have made a zig zag tote … however i don’t have a blog … how do i add my link?ReplyCancel

  • I really enjoyed making this bag – though I wish I’d had the errata first as I don’t like the boxyness of it due to the mistake in the book! Looking forward to next week’s project!ReplyCancel

  • Have just received my book today – what a great idea this QAL is – so often you buy a book and just make one thing from it.ReplyCancel

  • Time for a sew-along…Zakka Style!

    […] Now you can celebrate all things Zakka with a fun sew-along! Rashida Coleman-Hale and Lindsey from LR Stitched have done a fantastic job organizing a wonderful group of blog hosts who have scheduled 24 weeks of sewing projects so you can sew along with them, all inspired by the book, Zakka Style. There will also be fantastic prize drawings each week for sew-along participants. Click here for all the details. […]ReplyCancel

  • Thanks for organizing this sew-along — it’s such a fun idea! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Chris Auburn

    Brill…thanks for organisng sew along sessions, looking forward to the next oneReplyCancel

  • So bummed I didn’t get this finished in time. Started it Yesterday (sat) due to getting my book too late. And today being Easter Sunday I had to drive 2 hours to see Fam.. but this is how far I got… its different.. My fabric store was out of linen! other than the colored sorts!

  • Finished too soon.. BUMMER DEAL! but I really wanted to show it so anyone wanting to see my very different Zakka ZigZag Tote theirs my flicker pic!ReplyCancel

  • Jailbreak

    Good Morning, I just stopped by to visit your website and thought I’d say thank you.ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie

    This has been a lot of fun so far! Great Sew ALong for a learner like me!ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie

    Ooooo, I just saw the linky-frog (?) and linked my bag to your page. I only linked up on Flickr when I finished before…..does that mean I missed and entry?ReplyCancel

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