Zakka Along Week 13 :: Patchwork Potholders

This post is part of the Zakka Style Sew Along, please visit here to catch up if you’re just joining us!


Good Morning all!

Just a quick note…  Due to circumstances beyond her control, Penny won’t be able to do her post today.  Please keep her in your thoughts!

I am going to fill in for her, so be sure to look out for my post on the patchwork potholder in just a bit.


Today ended week 12 and we are officially half way through the sew along!

We had a lot of cute hand warmers in the flickr pool, both happy couples and your own variations too.

Take a peek:

(click on the picture to see who made each project)

There were 19 entries for the $15 gift certificate to the Intrepid Thread and the winner is #7 Rumeysa!

Congratulations and thank you to the Intrepid Thread!


We also have a winner for the fat quarter bundle of Le Femme to celebrate the end of the 2nd Quarter!

There were 160 projects entered from weeks 7-12 and the winner is #147 Kris!


On to week 13!

We are making the Patchwork Potholders this week and I will be sharing my version with you today.

Be sure to visit the project designer, Retro Mama, she has updated the instructions for applying the bindings with a step by step tutorial.

I followed her instructions instead of those in the book and found them extremely easy to follow!


Projects that are completed and entered this week are eligible to win a $25 gift certificate to Sew Mama Sew.

You may begin linking up your finished Patchwork Potholders today through Sunday July 1st at 11:59 pm EST for a chance to win the $25 gift certificate to Sew Mama Sew!

Click on the frog picture below to link up (one) of your projects or to view the entries.

Have fun with this project!


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  • Lindsey – I made the potholder yesterday and took pictures! Would you consider having me post the project today?
    Linda F.ReplyCancel

    • I actually just got it posted, thank you SO much for your offer though. I really appreciate it! xo


  • […] Skip to content HomeAbout Me.Featured.Shop.Sponsor.Tutorials.Zakka Sew Along ← Zakka Along Week 13 :: Patchwork Potholders June 25, 2012 · 10:01 am ↓ Jump to […]ReplyCancel

  • rumeysa

    I am extremely happy to be the winner of the week. Thank you so much Lindsey and Intrepid Thread. I’ll keep sewing along..ReplyCancel

  • Geçtiğimiz Haftanın Hediyesini Ben Kazanmışım :) « rumeysaatas

    […] projemle ben Intrepid Thread’den $15 değerinde hediye çeki kazanmışım. LRStitched‘in bugünkü yazısından ve ardından Lindsey’in gönderdiği mailden […]ReplyCancel

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