Wombat Wonderland Tunic

Wombat Day is October 22nd, and Karen from HoneyBeGood thought it would be fun to showcase the fabric line Wombat Wonderland!

She sent me some of this super cute fabric and I sewed up a tunic for my daughter.    She loves little creatures and the color purple, so it was meant to be.

The prints are ADORABLE!

The top I made is the Simply Sweet Tunic from Wink Designs.

I loved the finished product, but the process was a little tedious.   There was no size chart, and I had to measure the pattern to find the right size.  Laikyn is 5 and wears a 6 in store bought clothing.   I made a size 7 and she has room to grow.    I don’t like to make muslins, but I definitely suggest that (as does the pattern) if you’re unsure what size to sew.

It has cute details, the elastic in the cuffs and the neck ties.    I chose to sew some measuring tape ribbon on instead of making bias ties, I think that’s my favorite detail!

The fabric is organic sheeting and it has a wonderful silky feel and drapes beautifully.   Very pleased with the quality.

I used the Wombats and Love Hearts for the main body and Sunrays for the coordinate.

Thank you Karen for letting me try some out!

Happy early Wombat Day!  A great excuse to pick up some of this cute fabric, haha!

Wombat Wonderland by Saffron Craig, available at HoneyBeGood

Use code WOMBATS for 20% your purchase through Oct 28th!

Have a great weekend!

xo Lindsey

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  • Super cute (as is Laikyn!) I would love to have a top like style for myself. Pretty sure G would love it too.ReplyCancel

  • lovely. why the design is up side down? hugsReplyCancel

    • Thank you! It’s not upside down, it has repeats of both upside and right side up and her arms are blocking the right side up portions.ReplyCancel

  • Oh I want one!ReplyCancel

  • Charity

    SUPER cute!!!ReplyCancel

  • I saw this on Flickr today and it inspired my house block when I was struggling with ideas. So thank you Lindsey. Love Saffron’s work. I am keen to find out what wombat day is all about. They are not a creature you see much in the wild here in Australia – we get plenty of wallabies and the occasional echidna but I have only seen ‘road kill’ wombats in the wild.ReplyCancel

  • So cute, Lindsay! I’m giving this organic fabric project a shout-out on my blog today. (www.fabricsalad.com). Long live the wombats!ReplyCancel

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