Zakka 2.0 Week 1 :: Bell Pepper Coasters

Debbie and I are so excited to kick of the sew along through Patchwork, Please today!

This weeks project is the Bell Pepper Coasters.   I love kitschy things, so I can’t wait to sew this up for my kitchen.

Penny from Sew Take a Hike will be sharing her version with us today and she’s also shared the how-to for altering the pattern to make a hotpad!

The prize for this week is a $25 gift certificate to Fort Worth Fabric Studio and (1)  crib-sized package Legacy™ by Pellon® 100% Bleached Cotton Batting.

Starting today and every Monday following, a link up will be added for that weeks project.    You will have from Monday through the following Sunday at 11:59 pm EST to complete and add your project.

You don’t have to have a blog, but you will need a photo hosting  (flickr, photobucket, etc) account to be able to link your project.

The winner will be announced on the next Monday post and will add the link up and prize info for the next week.   So on and so on through the 19 weeks.

You may begin linking up your finished Bell Pepper Coasters (or Hotpads) today through Sunday June 9th at 11:59 pm EST for a chance to win the $25 GC to Fort Worth Fabric Studio and the batting from Pellon.

You are only eligible to win the weekly prizes if you submit during the time frames.   BUT, remember that you can link up at ANY time if you can’t keep up with the schedule.   We would all love to see your finished project whenever you’re able to complete it!  The giveaways are just for fun.

As a bonus,  we will do a random drawing from ALL entries submitted for Projects 1-5, so if  you missed the deadline you still have a chance to win a $50 GC to the Fat Quarter Shop!  :)    We will draw for Projects 6-10-, 11-15 and 16-19 as well.

To link up your project, click on the frog below and follow the instructions.

One entry per person, please.

Can’t wait to see what you make!


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  • Thanks for hosting this! I am so happy to be participating.ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie

    Oh, so much fun! Truly lovely book and projects!ReplyCancel

  • Oh this is going to be sew fun! I can’t wait to see what everyone makes! Thanks for hosting!ReplyCancel

  • These were funnnn!ReplyCancel

  • […] I was lazily catching up on a little blog reading, and then I realized that the zakka-along I had been waiting months for had started this past week, and today was the last day to make the […]ReplyCancel

  • Lindsey, I’m trying to linkup my picture, but it says the collection is closed. It is still Sunday morning. My understanding is that is closes Sunday night. Am I misunderstanding??ReplyCancel

  • Same issue June 9th EST at 11:59 PM has not passed yet, but the linky is closed. I added my flickr photo days ago and was just trying to add link here today.ReplyCancel

  • Same here! I’ll try again later but just wanted to go on the record that I’m here before the deadline too!ReplyCancel

  • Beverly Greve

    Lindsey….sorry to bother you but I have two questions…how do you link picture to enter contest for the PP towels and why does my name have a red ‘X’ by it in the list of bell pepper entries? Did I do something wrong with entry?ReplyCancel

    • It’s no problem Beverly! To enter this week go here:
      And the red x only shows to you as an option for you to delete your entry if you’d like. I can’t see it for you, but if I was to enter I would see a red x on my own picture. Does that help?ReplyCancel

      • Beverly Greve

        Thanks so much! I don’t know why I couldnt find the link!

        Bev on her iPadReplyCancel

  • Tori

    Pleasing you should think of sontmhieg like thatReplyCancel

  • […] am quilting along in the Zakka Aong 2.0 that uses this book, organized and hosted by Lindsey from LR Stitched, and Debbie from A Quilter’s Table.  Last year’s sew along was so fun I knew I’d […]ReplyCancel

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