Week 1 Winner :: #22, Mara! ——————– This week we continue with kitchen projects as we make the set of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Towels  (or towel if you only want one!). Maureen from Maureen Cracknell Handmade will be our inspiration and I can’t wait to see what she’s made. For the prize this week […]

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The project this week was such an instant gratification.   I loved how quickly and cleverly these were put together! I have 2 more cut out and ready to sew and I know I’ll be making these again.   I think they’d make an adorable housewarming gift. The link up is back open until midnight tonight EST.  […]

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Debbie and I are so excited to kick of the sew along through Patchwork, Please today! This weeks project is the Bell Pepper Coasters.   I love kitschy things, so I can’t wait to sew this up for my kitchen. Penny from Sew Take a Hike will be sharing her version with us today and […]

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  • Thanks for hosting this! I am so happy to be participating.ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie

    Oh, so much fun! Truly lovely book and projects!ReplyCancel

  • Oh this is going to be sew fun! I can’t wait to see what everyone makes! Thanks for hosting!ReplyCancel

  • These were funnnn!ReplyCancel

  • […] I was lazily catching up on a little blog reading, and then I realized that the zakka-along I had been waiting months for had started this past week, and today was the last day to make the […]ReplyCancel

  • Lindsey, I’m trying to linkup my picture, but it says the collection is closed. It is still Sunday morning. My understanding is that is closes Sunday night. Am I misunderstanding??ReplyCancel

  • Same issue June 9th EST at 11:59 PM has not passed yet, but the linky is closed. I added my flickr photo days ago and was just trying to add link here today.ReplyCancel

  • Same here! I’ll try again later but just wanted to go on the record that I’m here before the deadline too!ReplyCancel

  • Beverly Greve

    Lindsey….sorry to bother you but I have two questions…how do you link picture to enter contest for the PP towels and why does my name have a red ‘X’ by it in the list of bell pepper entries? Did I do something wrong with entry?ReplyCancel

    • It’s no problem Beverly! To enter this week go here:http://www.inlinkz.com/wpview.php?id=283077
      And the red x only shows to you as an option for you to delete your entry if you’d like. I can’t see it for you, but if I was to enter I would see a red x on my own picture. Does that help?ReplyCancel

      • Beverly Greve

        Thanks so much! I don’t know why I couldnt find the link!

        Bev on her iPadReplyCancel

  • Tori

    Pleasing you should think of sontmhieg like thatReplyCancel

  • […] am quilting along in the Zakka Aong 2.0 that uses this book, organized and hosted by Lindsey from LR Stitched, and Debbie from A Quilter’s Table.  Last year’s sew along was so fun I knew I’d […]ReplyCancel

So excited to finally share about this ‘officially’!  I know many of you have been involved in the buzz on flickr. I am thrilled that we are doing another round of the Zakka Along.    Last year was a success as we stitched through the book Zakka Style and many of you wanted to do it […]

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  • Emily

    So looking forward to this after last years sew along!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa Marie

    This looks like a fun book! Thanks for the chance to win.ReplyCancel

  • farmquilter

    This looks to be another fabulous sew along! Thank you for the great giveaway!!!ReplyCancel

  • I’m new to your blog and sew excited to see the projects. You’ve peaked my interest about Patchwork Please. I’d love to try the project on the front cover. Thanks for an opportunity to see the projects done by other bloggers. Great idea!ReplyCancel

  • Teresa Higginbotham

    Sounds like fun! I look forward to trying to follow along and keep up!ReplyCancel

  • Courtney Elwell

    Great book. Would love to win!!ReplyCancel

  • Looking forward to it!ReplyCancel

  • I have already received my (preordered) book a few days ago but would love to win one to send to my niece. The projects look like so much fun. I can’t wait to get started.ReplyCancel

  • kimthmsn

    So excited! I had my fingers and toes crossed hoping that this was going to happen! Woohoo! I’m so in and can’t wait to get started! Thanks Linds, it’s going to be awesome!ReplyCancel

  • Gigi W

    I love Ayumi’s blog and I’ve been waiting for this book. Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to be a part of this sew-along!ReplyCancel

  • Looks like it will be a fun sew along!ReplyCancel

  • What fun! I’d LOVE to win this book! Thanks.ReplyCancel

  • catskillquilter

    Looks like a great book, and it will be fun to sew along this time!ReplyCancel

  • MaryB

    The book looks fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win.ReplyCancel

  • Andrea C L

    would love to be able to sew along!ReplyCancel

  • Can’t wait for my book to come – hurry up Amazon xxxReplyCancel

  • Christina

    I cannot wait! This is sew exciting! Thanks.ReplyCancel

  • Marla

    I’m planning on sewing along. Last year was lots of fun.ReplyCancel

  • lynn

    i’m gonna try to sew along this time! thanksReplyCancel

  • Beth

    I do love her style!ReplyCancel

  • It will be an interesting book. Hugs AlessandraReplyCancel

  • karriesmith

    I am so joining up RIGHT NOW!!! I would LOVE to win a copy!! Thank you so much 😉ReplyCancel

  • I missed out on the last sew a long.. can’t wait for this one! 😀ReplyCancel

  • Ummmm….So all I can say is, is that you are wonderful and I love Debbie too! Crossing my fingers…ReplyCancel

  • Paula

    The projects are so cuteReplyCancel

  • Judy Forkner

    I’d love to win the book & sew along!ReplyCancel

  • Terry

    Thank you for the giveaway, and I can’t wait for the sew along to begin!ReplyCancel

  • auntiethesis

    I’d love to have a copy of the book; the sew-along looks like sew much fun.ReplyCancel

  • Mary Jo

    Loved the projects I saw last year. Hoping I can join in this time. Thanks for the chance to win the book.ReplyCancel

  • I got mine in the mail from Amazon last week and read it cover to cover. Ayumi did a great job and the projects are really neat. I can’t wait to start the sew-along 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Zakka QAL was a lot of fun last time so this should be too.ReplyCancel

  • Beverly Greve

    Can’t wait! This will be my first sew along!ReplyCancel

  • I own Zakka Style already and I would love love love a copy of this second book so I can stitch along this time aroundReplyCancel

  • Allison C

    This book looks like a blast!ReplyCancel

  • Heather

    I was excited about this, but even more so after I had a chance to flip through your copy of the book at Sew South. Can’t wait!ReplyCancel

  • Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win this and I can’t wait until the sew along!ReplyCancel

  • (I think Leila grows ‘orchids’ not ‘orchards’)….. It looks like a great book and a fun sew-along! Looking forward to joining in again!ReplyCancel

  • Silvana Pereira Coutinho

    Can’t wait to have this book and I hope that I will have time to sew at least some projects from this book! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Thank you so much! The book is in my cart but I’m putting off getting it until closer to the start date, Im really looking forward to some of the projects I’ve seen pictures of so far!ReplyCancel

  • I am really excited, I just placed my order at Amazon.. Last yr Zakka was my SAL with a fun and great supportive group;..ReplyCancel

  • What fun!! Looking forward to your sew along!ReplyCancel

  • Zakka items are so much fun! It’ll be a great sew-along!ReplyCancel

  • Yay! I want in on the fun!! I was just about to order the book on amazon, but hey, maybe i’ll win it!! Thanks so much Lindsey.ReplyCancel

  • ylmommyx4

    I just received my book and hope I can play along too. If I win you can draw another winner.ReplyCancel

  • This is going to be great! Love her fun style!ReplyCancel

  • I’d love a copy of this book!! Looking forward to the sew.a.long as well & hope to make a few of the darling handmades as well!!ReplyCancel

  • How exciting, Lindsey! What a fun book. Look forward to it!ReplyCancel

  • Tamie

    I missed the first sew along. This book looks like it will be fun. Thanks for all your work to put this together.ReplyCancel

  • Can’t wait!ReplyCancel

  • This sounds like another fun sew-along. I hope I can join in this time around. 🙂 Thanks Lindsey for hosting!ReplyCancel

  • Liz

    I love patchwork, even though it is fussy. The sew along sounds fun. Thanks for the giveaway.ReplyCancel

  • Amy C

    Yay I can’t wait to start!! I loved the first book and managed 16 of the projects and I’ve made many of those two or three times since so this is exciting!!! Thanks for the chance!ReplyCancel

  • I’m so looking forward to sewing along! Can’t wait to look at the book!ReplyCancel

  • Ohh looks fun!!! Thanks for the chance!ReplyCancel

  • kimberlee

    I’m new to Ayumi, so I am interested in seeing her style this zakka round. Thx for the giveaway!ReplyCancel

  • Alizabeth Dively

    This book looks like so much fun and would be a great way to improve on my sewing skills.ReplyCancel

  • Jessica P

    A sew along would be a perfect way to start learning to sew/quilt. I am excited to see whats next and to learn from some of the best 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Ramona M.

    This book looks like a ton of fun and I am off work in the summer so I will have time to sew a long. I can’t wait. Thanks for the chance to win.ReplyCancel

  • This book looks so fantastic! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Holly

    Ooh, this looks like so much fun! If I don’t win, I’ll be placing my order this weekend!ReplyCancel

  • Yay! Another zakka sew along!ReplyCancel

  • farmquilter

    Great projects in this book!! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of the book!!ReplyCancel

  • This sounds like a great sew along! Zakka is so much fun to make.ReplyCancel

  • ellen t

    I’ve been a fan of Ayumi’s blog for a few years since I saw her fabric basket tote. Thanks for the giveaway!!ReplyCancel

  • Bearpawquilter

    This sounds like fun! I’m the winner, please! NReplyCancel

  • Just recently found this through pinterest! i think I will try it out! I want to win toooooo 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer

    Sounds like fun! I think I might join in to help my sewing skills.ReplyCancel

  • I definitely will grab the button. Thanks for setting it all up!!ReplyCancel

  • Very excited about this!ReplyCancel

  • Lori Morton

    How cooool!!! This book looks like so much fun!! & Easy enough for a semi-new quilter!! YAY!!! Soooo excited already!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Christine Slaughter

    How exciting! I can’t wait for this sew along, since I missed the first one!ReplyCancel

  • I’ve been tempted by this book and then learn of the sew along. Maybe I just need to bite the bullet and buy the darn book! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Susan V.

    Been so looking forward to this book coming out–thanks for the chance to win it!ReplyCancel

  • Looks sew fun! Thanks for the chance to win … 🙂 PatReplyCancel

  • Dell

    Can not wait for this to start. Thanks for setting up another book sew along. I know this takes a lot of time and effort.ReplyCancel

  • Oh, I would love to win this book and join the sew along!ReplyCancel

  • I am so excited for this sew along!ReplyCancel

  • Laura Kammarmeyer

    Loved last years thanks for doing another one!!ReplyCancel

  • I would definitely love to win a copy of this book! I have it on my Amazon wish list and I’m just waiting for payday to roll around so that I can order it. One of my summer goals is to be able to participate in this sew-alongReplyCancel

  • Rebecca T

    Love this book! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!ReplyCancel

  • Becky Greene

    I had such a great time in the first round – I would love to participate again! Thanks for the great giveaway chance and all your hard work in organizing this fun event!!ReplyCancel

  • thinking of joining in this time, thanks!ReplyCancel

  • I love the last stitch a long! Can’t wait for this one!ReplyCancel

  • Gina

    The projects in this book are right up my alley. Adorably fun; great gifts.ReplyCancel

  • Amy C

    I can’t wait to start!! Yay 🙂 Thanks for the chance!ReplyCancel

  • This is exciting! I hope I win.ReplyCancel

  • I cannot wait to check out the book. All the projects look incredible. Thank you!ReplyCancel

  • Jake

    Thank you so much for the chance to win! I love Ayumi and all her craftiness and her fabric….oh sweet heavens, her ability to patchwork is breathtaking! I’ve got my copy, it arrived Monday! I’m loving it! But what a nice gift a winning copy would make!
    I’ve joined the Zakka Along and can’t wait!
    Thank you for hosting such a lovely thing!ReplyCancel

  • Houseofduke1

    This book looks awesome! I could hardly wait for it to be released.ReplyCancel

  • amandak@whatthebobbin

    This book is on my wishlist. Nice giveaway.

  • peggy hendrick

    Will have to start working on increasing my “stash” so that I can sew some of the projects in the book!ReplyCancel

  • JoNell

    Really looks like fun. Woold love to have the book.ReplyCancel

  • I am all ready for the sew along but still need the book!ReplyCancel

  • Glenda in Florida

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I’ll be following along with the sew along.ReplyCancel

  • Anya

    Oh goodness – I’m so excited about this book. Thanks for the chance to win!ReplyCancel

  • Lindsey, I have traveled over here from the very talented Ayumi’s site. Isn’t her new book fabulous. As Ayumi knows, I have sewn for decades, but have yet to do any paper piecing. Perhaps I will finally do some experimenting with the help of the lovely book.

    I think I will also be visiting here again. Thank you!ReplyCancel

  • Judy

    Looking forward to this book, a fresh appoach to sewing up projects!

  • This has been in my wishlist for a while, would be so sweet to get a copy!ReplyCancel

  • Jen C.

    Thank you for having a giveaway! This looks like a great book.ReplyCancel

  • Looking forward to this book. Looks like lots of fun and refreshing projects. Thank you for this great giveaway.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!ReplyCancel

  • venus

    I just love Ayumi’s projects! Would be tickled pink to have her book.ReplyCancel

  • rikki

    This sounds amazing! Thanks for a chance to win!ReplyCancel

  • Patricia

    Thanks for the Giveaway. I would love to win this awesome bookReplyCancel

  • I enjoyed seeing all the projects the last go around and would love to join in! Winning the book would be icing on the cake!ReplyCancel

  • looks like a fabulous book!ReplyCancel

  • Sonia F

    I just started sewing and this looks like fun! Thanks for the giveaway!ReplyCancel

  • This book looks like so much fun! Would love to win it!ReplyCancel

  • Would like to win the book. I follow her and she does amazing things.ReplyCancel

  • Debbie

    Looks like an awesome book. Thanks for the chance to win.ReplyCancel

  • Suvarna

    I would like to get a copy….. My friend has one and I envy her alot, because all the projects are awesome and what to try them soon. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Oh this book is on top of my MUST get list! I would love a chance to win and can’t wait for the sew along!

    Gcastillomail at yahoo dot comReplyCancel

  • Dorothy

    What a delightful book! I would love a chance to win a copy. Such great projects.ReplyCancel

  • Linda


  • Pat S

    I’ve been waiting for the release of this book! Wonderful designs!ReplyCancel

  • This book looks so fun. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Good luck with the sew along.ReplyCancel

  • Kathy

    I have been looking forward to this book. Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy!!ReplyCancel

  • What a fantastic book. I would live the chance to win it.ReplyCancel

  • Jill Blissenbach

    It looks great, thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah

    I’ve fallen into a bit of a sewing rut, but this book looks like the one to help get me out of it. Ayumi’s projects are absolutely charming!ReplyCancel

  • Pat V.

    I love Ayumi’s style. I’ve never done this type of quilt along, it would be fun to try!ReplyCancel

  • Merrilee

    Not sure if you’ve picked the winner already but LOVE Ayumi and love the opportunity to win!! Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Chris

    Thanks for the give away! I’d love to try these new patterns!ReplyCancel

  • I didn’t participate in the last sew along, but I am eager to be a part of the next one.,ReplyCancel

  • Ellen Ban

    Hi Lindsey! I’m hoping to do the Zakka Along this year! I’ve missed seeing you at AMQG meetings.ReplyCancel

  • Patti

    The book is VERY appealing!ReplyCancel

  • kimiki

    The inspiration from your book is great, I want to learn more about zakka projects. Thank you for a chance to win.ReplyCancel

  • I would love to win this book!!ReplyCancel

  • Melissa

    Ooh! This will be such fun! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!ReplyCancel

  • Debbie T

    Anything patchwork is for me. I would love to win this book! Looks wonderful.ReplyCancel

  • Cath T

    Looks like a charming book full of fun projects. Seems like there will be projects good for a beginner like me to practice on.ReplyCancel

  • debv

    Thanks for showing pics of the projects. Apple coasters are cute, but love the flowered quilt. It would be great to own this book. Thanks for the giveawayReplyCancel

  • Jan

    I’d love to win a copy of this book. There are many projects I’d like to make for myself and for gifts.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa Williams

    I’m so excited for the sew along! I loved looking through all of the photos last year of everything people were making.ReplyCancel

  • Kim

    I would love a copy of this book. Her tutorials are wonderful!ReplyCancel

  • This book is a must have! Thank you so much for the chance to win!


  • Wish I had BOTH books!!!!! Would love to join in the sew along.ReplyCancel

  • Patty H

    Thanks for the chance to win this book. Looks like a lot of fun.ReplyCancel

  • I can only imagine the beautiful things waiting inside her book! Thanks for the chance to win!ReplyCancel

  • Chris

    I can’t wait to see the book. It looks like fun.ReplyCancel

  • liz f

    The sewalong sounds so fun! And I can’t wait to see the book!ReplyCancel

  • Sara

    I love the fun zakka style!ReplyCancel

  • Jean

    What a beautiful book! I look forward to the upcoming sew along. Thanks for the giveaway!ReplyCancel

  • Linda Seltser

    I love Ayumi’s work and am planning to participate in the sew-along. I have seen some previews of the book and it looks amazing!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer P

    Looking forward to the zakka along! Thanks for the chance to win!!ReplyCancel

  • Carol in E TN

    I would “sew” love to win this book! Thank you for the giveaway.ReplyCancel

  • Marjory W.

    I’m sure it would be fun to win this book. Love the bright colors!ReplyCancel

  • Nancy Mangel

    Can’t wait to see what everyone makes! I’d love to win the book.ReplyCancel

  • Kelly

    It is so exciting to think of the great things I could make from this book. I hope I win.ReplyCancel

  • Betty Ayers

    I just love her work and would swoon for a copy of the new book!ReplyCancel

  • Ellee

    This is definitely a book I want to own!ReplyCancel

  • Am I too late? I am SO EXCITED for this book!ReplyCancel

  • Patchwork, Please Book Winner! | LRstitched :: a journal of stitches

    […] April 4, 2013 at 9:06 am(Edit) […]ReplyCancel

  • Debbie S

    Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win!ReplyCancel

  • I would LOVE this book! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  • Elizabeth Schiedel

    Thank you for the chance! Beautiful book!ReplyCancel

  • Karen H

    This is very exciting! I can’t wait to start the projects. Thank you very much for the opportunity to win this lovely book and fabric! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • I just picked up my copy of the book today. Can’t wait to get started! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • » Don’t Miss Out

    […] Takahashi and love her style.  Last year, there was the Zakka Style Sew Along and this year the Zakka 2.0 Patchwork Please! Sew Along  is getting revved […]ReplyCancel

  • Myrto Vlassopoulou

    I have been following Ayumi for quite a long time and I had preordered of course her lovely book. I have already made one pincushion and there are three more on the way out of Liberty’s scraps, for the first one I used some of the fabrics from her little shop!

  • Hi Lindsey, I’m interested in sew along (Patchwork Please!) that will start soon on Monday. However, I don’t see any html code to grab the button. Can I just grab (download) it and link the image to your blog? Thanks.ReplyCancel

  • So You Want To Sew | The Glamorous Housewife

    […] Last year I started sewing through the book Zakka Style by Rashida Coleman-Hale as part of the Zakka Along, an online sew along. As I worked through this book week by week, I picked up a ton of new skills and ended up with a lot of great projects to show for it — just take a peek at the mosaic above. Incidentally, the Zakka Along 2.0 is in full swing right now, this time using the incredible book Patchwork, Please! which I’ll be sharing with you next month. If you’d like to get in on the fun, check out all the details here. […]ReplyCancel

  • I was very happy to uncover this page. I need to to thank
    you for ones time just for this wonderful read!!
    I definitely really liked every part of it and i
    also have you book marked to check out new things on your web

  • Get ready for Zakka 2.0 - Patchwork Please - Noodlehead

    […] So stayed tuned to Lindsey‘s and Debbie‘s blogs, they’ll have the full scoop when it’s available!  It starts Monday, June 3rd! For now you can look through what’s lined up so far. […]ReplyCancel

  • […] sew along doesn’t start til June 3rd, I think I might get a little ahead of myself ;o)  Check out the introductory post from Lindsey and Deb here for more […]ReplyCancel

I have to admit, in the past it always annoyed me to see post after post about how great XYZ sewing trip was. “It was like totally amazing”, etc etc.   Let’s be real,  annoyance is really jealousy in disguise.   Well, insert foot in mouth, Sew South was like totally amazing!  No, really.   […]

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  • Sharlyn

    Glad you got to,get away! You’re right, being a Mom is hard. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Pamela Adams

    I loved this post even though I did not go. I too am one of those who rarely leaves the house. My kids are grown and we have our first Grandbaby. I am 50 years old and don’t ever connect with other quilters/sewist except to leave a comment on a blog or IG. I do go quilt with my Sister who lives 740 miles away about once a year. Still that’s not enough. I am glad that you have learned a valuable insight while you are still young. This post made me tear up. Look forward to reading more about it.ReplyCancel

  • Excellent post!ReplyCancel

  • Dude. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a million more times . . . motherhood is not for wimps. Motherhood is the hardest job I’ve ever done. And the most rewarding. Your description of yourself during the last seven years is a carbon copy of my own. Except now my kids are 13 and 11 and over the six years I’ve found my place. My self. The things that make me tick — all while still be a mother. You’re on the brink of that too and I’m so happy that you are sharing that with us here on your blog.

    I totally and completely get you. And I’m on team Lindsey till the end!ReplyCancel

  • Amye -dotdotgoose

    “And I’m encouraged to work harder at allowing the people in my personal life to know me better.”…these words are exactly what is in my heart after leaving sew south. Being around all of you amazing girls encouraged me to be the person I was when I was 25, a person who I have “silenced” for many years. I’m hoping you and me both can take this experience and really, truly make a choice to live in the light instead of the shadows! Love ya! XoReplyCancel

  • ylmommyx4

    Beautifully written. We have more in common than I already knew about.ReplyCancel

  • Sweetness. SO glad you got the chance to go and that it was such a life-giving weekend for you!ReplyCancel

  • When I went to FQ Retreat last summer, it was only the second night away from my children in 7 1/2 years, and the first night away from husband ‘and’ kids; and although I work PT in a job I hate, I know exactly how you feel!
    I am so jealous and so pleased that Jennifer created such a wonderful time away, and that such a great group of people got to spend precious time together xxxReplyCancel

  • mindingmomma

    sounds like a terrific time, I too have lost who I was and appreciate your writing about this feelingReplyCancel

  • Lisa C

    Taking some time (and for everyone that’s a different amount) for yourself is worth it in every way. It is hard to read blogs about ladies who attend numerous retreats, produce massive amounts of gorgeous quilts, and seem to do it effortlessly and not feel a tiny bit jealous. In reality, they don’t do all of those things I’m sure, it’s just the perception of someone (me) who works full-time and has other obligations at the moment. My time will come and most days I remember that! Great post!ReplyCancel

  • Thank you for saying it so perfectly! I already feel myself slipping into that isolated place in motherhood and I think that the main thing I took away from the retreat was the importance of a physical community (and adult conversation) and being able to open up and just be. Now I just have to go try and get out there more. It was so lovely to meet you 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Cindy

    Awesome post Lindsey! It was fun having you sit in front of me. Thank you for helping me with my duffle!ReplyCancel

  • this is such a nice post! I love hearing your thoughts about it. And I love the whole concept of the group size, and it being a retreat. Yes, 7 years goes by too fast! I loved hearing about more of your personal side of things, too.ReplyCancel

  • meg


    Loved your retreat experience download for us. My boys now are in college or graduated (!) and that voice calling me to BE ME is still with me. It’s always been there, nudging me on. Whether I am doing the mom-thing, the work-thing, the daughter-thing, the yoga-thing, the cooking-thing, the girlfriend-thing, the wife-thing, the creative goddess-thing. How can it NOT be there? Sometimes we choose not to listen, but it is there.
    You write, “Being a mom is ultimately my calling….”, I posit it is only ONE of your many callings. We are called to wear multiple hats, and to wear them as best as possible: no guilt, no shame, no regrets. Hats change. Lean into uncertainty and change, it is ever-present.
    Enjoy the ride and all it’s complicated and conflicting emotions, they are what make us so fully human.ReplyCancel

  • eamylove

    This was a great post – even though I’m mad at you for not putting up pictures yet of the duffle bags. {Just kidding!} How worthwhile for you to take this opportunity, and run with it…your family will be happy to see you illuminated and refreshed, and loving them as much as always.ReplyCancel

  • Sarah

    What a wonderful experience! I’m so glad you were able to have such a fulfilling retreat, and share your feelings with us. As a mom of twenty-somethings, who rarely got away when they were younger, I agree with you that is so important to connect with people away from your life as a mom. It makes you better at everything! May I share your advice at the end of this post with the guild group I’m about to go on retreat with? It’s always good to remind ourselves how to make the weekend special.ReplyCancel

  • Danielle's Dish

    I loved this post, so true for even women without kids. It is easy to get lazy and just do the norm. I’m glad you had a great time!! AND glad you are playing tennis which is another non-mommy activity. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • no fair! now you made me ugly cry LOL… great post… wish I could have been there 🙂ReplyCancel

  • mary maben

    Your post got me a little teary eyed, Being a Mom is hard but as a Mom of five wonderful kids 4 of them grown already I have to say that all the sacrifices my husband and I made for them is worth it in the end because not only did we raise good children, but we raised good PEOPLE, and since I started so young I still have all this time left for me. I grew so much with my children and they made me the person I am today, so while it is important to have time to yourself your kids are only little for a short time and then they are grown going off to college and then living their own life and it just seems like yesterday I was taking them to their 1st day of school…. its all about balance.
    Big HugsReplyCancel

  • Wow, Sew South sounds like the perfect retreat! Beautifully written post that obviously touches so many of us, whether we were there or not! Quilting can be such a solitary pursuit but we need to connect with people too…but it is so easy to remain solitary, we need to make the effort to reach out and touch, physically!!! I’m so glad you found yourself again – don’t let it get pushed behind the door again!!!ReplyCancel

  • natski

    This post made me smile because you can feel your joy and energy just bouncing out of the computer screen. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Teresa

    You said it ALL… sister sewist!!ReplyCancel

  • Firstly, I shall say. It was wonderful to spend time with you this past weekend. I think you are a rock star. For real. Mom, artist, business lady, and amazing person. I think I know what you mean, even though I am not a mom. I felt so “me” last weekend and I realized that I am maybe not really true to myself most of the time. I think I am going to take your advice to heart and try and let that girl get to know people more often. Also, we all do need to get together more often! It is good for the soul.ReplyCancel

  • So glad you had a great escape, looking forward to seeing the results of your class 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Girl…you are absolutely amazing and I loved reading your post! So nice to finally meet you and I can’t wait to see you again! XoxoReplyCancel

  • Can I just give you a big hug?! I adore you. What a special weekend we had! Thank you for your honesty in this post. I am grateful to call you friend. And agreed-we must get together again!ReplyCancel

  • Lindsay Conner

    What a sweet post! I am so glad to hear that it was a heart-warming and amazing experience for all! So glad that you found a little bit of “you” this weekend and rediscovered that you are not the sum of the things that you do for others, but that there’s a whole lot of life inside of YOU. 🙂 Beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • You are so amazing! I feel so blessed to have met you at the retreat this year and really enjoyed getting to know you! Thanks for putting yourself out there – as I am so happy to have made a new friend.ReplyCancel

  • Oh Lindsey, you worded that so well! The part about loving being a mom, but losing “who we really are” in the process – I totally agree. I am a little further away in Florida, but I can be on a plane in a heartbeat if you all decide to get together!! I am hugging you through the computer 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer O.

    Wow, that sounds like an amazing time! I wish I had known, maybe I would have made the drive from DC. It would be so great to have someone of the same tribe to talk to – my mom quilts but no one in my daily life understands my passion, or why I keep buying fabric! Not to say my friends don’t appreciate what I do, but they don’t “get it.”ReplyCancel

  • Heather

    Lindsey – I am so glad to hear that *someone* convinced you to come out of your comfort zone and join us for Sew South. You were truly the MVP of the retreat, and I think of you and Jennifer equally as the “heart” of the experience for me (and not just because of all the awesome stuff you gave me!). Thanks so much for coming and giving so much to all of us – I’m truly grateful to have met you!ReplyCancel

  • This isn’t about your retreat post as much as it is a reply to your comment about battling an autoimmune disease. I have recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. My friend had lupus (notice the past tense) which is also an incurable AI Disease. She recently refered me to a Doctor that has changed her life. She lost 60 lbs in a year. (Without exercise). That is what caught my attention initially. Well it turns out she just got her annual labs done and her lupus markers are all gone. She had already gotten off all of her meds which had been treating her symptoms. I need to lose weight and also hate the thought of taking Methotrexate the rest of my life. I have a variety of other health issues which in addition to my medications have seen me steadily gain weight (50 lbs + overweight – and no matter how hard I try, (exercise 1-2 hours at least 5 days a week & less than 1200 cals per day) I cannot lose more than 1-4 lbs. I decided to try to follow the Dr.’s advice and changed the way I eat. I thought I would try it for his suggested 6 weeks and prove that it wouldn’t work. I am not kidding you when I tell you that I lost 16 lbs in 5 weeks and I truly was not starving myself. My complete loss of energy has seen a significant boost. i have only been doing it for around 2 months but I have lost 20 lbs and am no longer sick and tired. I wish I could shout it from the mountaintops. It has given me hope for a long and healthy life. Please check him out. http://www.DrFuhrman.com Sadly, you can’t really get any info from his website, and probably will have to buy a book. That made me very skeptical at first, but he has a VOOK -video book- that you can download for around $6-7 and it is a pretty quick read. It was convicting and life changing for me. I dont want to live the rest of my life sick and in so much pain. I don’t want anybody to have to live like that. Please consider it. Good luck and thank you for the fabulous post about the retreat!ReplyCancel

  • You said it so well! Love ya!ReplyCancel

  • I saw a picture of your duffle bag on another blog and I loved it! I hope you teach it somewhere here in Atlanta ;0) I would SOOOO take THAT class!ReplyCancel

  • Lindsey it was so great to meet you at Sew South! You are such a talented sewist/teacher, and such a warm and funny lady. Looking forward to sewing with you again soon!ReplyCancel

  • I’m glad that you got the chance to get away and find some parts of yourself again. I, too, have a son with autism, live in yoga pants, rarely leave the house and, surprisingly to me, am afraid to meet new people (that wasn’t me 4 years ago). I’ve recently been connecting with some new faces at the DCMQG. One person in particular has this knack for actually seeing me and hearing me when we talk. I forgot what that felt like and she nearly brings me to tears every time we get together. Anyway, your post really struck me. I’m happy that Sew South was so good for you 🙂

  • I’m new to your blog and a newbie blogger myself. Looks like your post resonated with a lot of people! I write this while wearing yoga pants, letting two kids climb the walls while I wait for my husband to get home from work. Everyone says, “make sure to take care of yourself.” What they don’t tell you is HOW to do that, and that you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Balance? Ha. Glad you’re getting out and rediscovering yourself.ReplyCancel

  • Deb Cox

    Thank you Lindsey. I just found your site and what a story. You go girl. Thanks for the inspiration. Life doesn’t always give us a bowl of jello but we can jiggle and have fun!ReplyCancel

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