A few random things:
• Stash Match! My friend Ali created a fun concept for a game. She gives an inspiration photo to several bloggers and has them pull fabric from their stash inspired by the picture. She jumbles up the pictures and a photo of each blogger and you try and match the stash to the person. I’m a part of July’s Stash Match and my hint is my picture location! If you read along here you’ll know which one is mine. 🙂
Anyone can participate, so if you have a blog and want to do a month of Stash Match, send Ali an email!
• Cosmetics Bag pattern at Pellon! I totally spaced on sharing the link to my pattern for this roll-up vinyl cosmetics bag. You can find the pattern here.
Also, Google Reader is now officially no more. 🙁 I’m rather sad about this, it was my favorite way to read blogs and keep up!
I’ve added a link to the top of the page if you’d like to follow along now through Bloglovin’. It’s a very similar reader to Google. I love readers because otherwise I get overwhelmed by all the blogs I like to follow and I forget to ‘check in’!
Hope you’re having a good start to the week!
Yours is one of the only one I’m sure I got right!
I have a question, can a quilt be more wide than long? Please i really would appreciate your fast (like yesterday!!!)answer. I learn to quilt by myself, reading and viewing youtube. Im following by email
[…] on the cosmetic case I wanted to make for the first bday girl. This pattern is by Lindsey Rhoads @ LRStitched. You can find the free pattern here. Free is […]