Zakka Along Week 4 :: Sewing Kit

This post is part of the Zakka Style Sew Along, please visit here to catch up if you’re just joining us!


Welcome to week 4!

It was fun to put together a sampling of the entries from week 2, so I figured we should keep that going.

Here are a few of the pincushions from week 3:

(click on the picture to find a link to the maker of each pincushion)

We had 70 entries this week (!!) and the winner of the Monsterz fat quarter bundle is ::

#39 Kim @ 1159 Studio!

Congratulations and thank you to Cloud 9 fabrics for sponsoring the week 3 giveaway!

The link up reopens today so if you missed the deadline, be sure and add yours in.


This week we are making one of my favorite projects in the book, the Sewing Kit.

Katy from Monkey Do is sharing her version with us today.

(Actually her 6 versions! + a tutorial for double fold binding ties)

Projects that are completed and linked this week are eligible to win a $30 gift certificate to Zip It.

You may begin linking up your finished Sewing Kits today through Sunday April 29th at 11:59 pm EST for a chance to win the $30 gift certificate to Zip It.

Click on the frog picture below to link up your project or to view the entries!

xo, Lindsey

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  • It is so much fun, how people are inspired by the Zakka book. So very many different versions of the same pattern. Very inspiring!ReplyCancel

  • Someone had posted 4 phtos of the sewing kits for week 4 they had made. Are we able to make more than one to enter into the giveaway?ReplyCancel

  • Sarah

    Looks like they made 2 kits and posted 2 photos of each, which doesn’t seem very fair 🙁ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie

    Thank you so much for including my entry in your mosaic! I’ve had modem troubles since Saturday, so although I’m finished with my sewing roll, I haven’t entered it yet. But I will! What a fun sew along, with so many different personalities coming out!ReplyCancel

  • Thanks so much for including my pin cushion in your collage. It’s very flattering to be included with such excellent sewists.

    I just linked up my sewing kit – it took me all week but I did it!

    Thanks again for this sew a long. It’s been great.ReplyCancel

  • Kim

    Thanks so much for the chance to win – I am so thrilled to have won this week! – and sorry I am so late to say so – something with WordPress on my end wouldn’t let me comment 🙁ReplyCancel

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