December 1, 2012 Spilling the beans! Excited to share that I will be teaching the bag class at Sew South in March of next year! Jennifer has put up a little spotlight about me today, so pop over if you’d like to read. Looking forward to meeting everyone! Lindsey « Tutorial :: Ribbon Gift BowWelcome 2013! »Share on: •Facebook•Twitter•Pinterest show hide 3 comments Linda I’m so excited that you are going to teach at Sew South. I did a lot of the Zakka Style projects during your sew along and it will be nice to meet you. Do you have any idea which bag you will be teaching?ReplyCancel Flying Blind Oh I want to come 🙁ReplyCancel Jennifer @ Ellison Lane Quilts Thrilled that you’ll be teaching Linds! So happy to have you on our team!ReplyCancel
I’m so excited that you are going to teach at Sew South. I did a lot of the Zakka Style projects during your sew along and it will be nice to meet you. Do you have any idea which bag you will be teaching?
Oh I want to come 🙁
Thrilled that you’ll be teaching Linds! So happy to have you on our team!